All services provided are free of charge and may include:
- Academic assistance, including tutoring and advocacy
- Distribution of school supplies
- After-school and summer programs
- Adult education (GED and ESL classes)
- Referrals to medical or dental services
- Assistance with accessing social services
- Parent training classes
- Enrichment programs
Summer Programs
The Mississippi Migrant Education Service Center (MMESC) provides summer instructional programs for migrant children. These programs are designed for pre-kindergarten through high school to connect language, literature, technology, and life skills to develop English proficiency and promote academic achievement in reading and mathematics within an interdisciplinary thematic experience. Research indicates that after school programs during school year and summer programs for migrant students is key to increasing student performance and lowering dropout rates.
MMESC summer programs provide research and evidence-based effective instruction in alignment with the State Standards. Students participate in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing activities within the structure of an interdisciplinary thematic unit that incorporates math, science, and language art. Each program encourages and assists students to complete a project in relation to their thematic unit in order to affect change within their school and/or community. The MMESC provides reimbursement for district bus usage and also uses its funding to supply programs with all necessary materials, resources, snacks, and teacher salary. All programs operate at no cost to host districts.